quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2008
Como era bom o tempo em que ganhávamos na loteria do Reino Unido, SEM JOGAR, a bagatela de 1 milhão de libras esterlinas. Agora, são só 552 mil barão.

Olha o texto:
“BATCH NUMBER:065/088/XY24
TICKET NUMBER:023-1111-790-458
6th January 2007

This email is to notify you that this email address was randomly
selected and entered into our free Third Category draws. You have
subsequently emerged a winner and therefore entitled to a substantial
amount of 552,000.00 Pounds.

For further information, kindly confirm receipt of this email, by
forwarding Your Details as states below to our claims department on
Email :uk_foreigndepartment@yahoo.co.uk

(a) Your full Name:
(b) Contact address:
(c) Your Telephone and fax numbers:
(d) Your Age:
(e) Your occupation:
(f) Your country of origin:

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
Award Notification Team

1. “... our free Third Category draws …” O quê? Terceira categoria? Como ousa me incluir na terceira categoria? Hein hein hein hein?

2. Eu tenho que reclamar meu prêmio nesse e-mail aqui: uk_foreigndepartment@yahoo.co.uk
Peraí... então, o departamento para estrangeiros do Reino Unido usa um e-mail do Yahoo!?

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